Monday, May 25, 2020

Arab Spring and the French Revolution - 1272 Words

French Revolution and the Arab Spring Essay Essay Prompt: To what extent does the French Revolution reflect the recent conflicts seen within the Arab Spring? Note: Consider the following themes: * Short-term and long-term causes * Popular Revolts * Voice of the People – leaders, writings, media and symbols * Shifts in Power * International Interventions * Religious Repercussions Research links/News Articles: Middle East Region -,9171,2050032,00.html Middle East Region -,9171,2050022,00.html Egypt -,8599,2047006,00.html Egypt -†¦show more content†¦he required sources (3) are cited properly in the paper * The paper was submitted to by the deadline * The paper must be 850 - 1000 words Essay Rubric Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Introduction (5/55) Exemplary Commendable Capable Fair Poor 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Proper Introduction†¦ * First sentence used to â€Å"hook† the reader * You need to â€Å"in-text cite† the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of FR, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis * DO NOT WRITE A THESIS INTRODUCTION (Meaning: don’t respond to the prompt in the first four sentences) Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Thesis (15/55) Exemplary Commendable Capable Fair Poor 15 14 13 12 11 10 * A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis states your argument and â€Å"drives† your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering â€Å"why† or â€Å"How† (Hint: use the word â€Å"because†) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence 22+ 21 - 20 19 - 17 16 -Show MoreRelatedThe French Revolution And The Arab Spring1322 Words   |  6 Pagesmany societies have, and will likely continue to have revolutions as we as humans strive towards a utopian society. 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