Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Writing of the Bomb free essay sample

A look at the bias presented by authors regarding the atom bomb and Japan. This paper examines what has been written about the dropping of the atom bomb on Japan, following the attack on Pearl Harbor. The writer details several articles and explores where the writer is coming from and what may have led to a particular slant on a story regarding the bomb. The atom bomb was dropped on Japan to make a statement to the world. It was not just that the US wanted Japan to understand attacking Pearl Harbor was wrong, but Japan was the example the United States made for the world. The message was loud and clear that if the US is attacked the enemy will be hit back ten fold and then some. In addition to it being a message to the world the use of the atom bomb in the situation was cost effective. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing of the Bomb or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The United States could choose to send in many troops, incur loss of life, military property and finances or it could choose to drop atom bombs and be done quickly and efficiently. The second choice was the most obvious one given the circumstances at the time. The country was aching for revenge and the government had just lost many pieces of property that would have to be replaced financially.

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