Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Training and Development for State Authority-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theTraining and Development for State Authority. Answer: Training plan Training to be undertaken Customer service is one of the most important things that every manager of an organisation needs to focus on. This is mainly because of the fact that the customers are an important stakeholder for a business organisation (Pollock, Jefferson and Wick 2015). Hence, training needs to be provided to the employees about the ways by which quality customer service can be maintained. The training process that is to be undertaken involves helping the employees to identify the customer assessment factors that are involved in improving the level of service provided in an organisation. The training is to be provided by the HR manager of the company assisted by the marketing manager in-charge of identifying the needs of the customers. Place, time and process to deliver training The training needs to be delivered to the premises of the office building. This is because the convenience of the employees is taken into consideration while planning for the training programme. Moreover, an extra cost of travelling can be saved by implementing the training method within the organisation. In this regard, it can be said that the training is to be scheduled within the working hours. This can open up opportunities to provide training based on shifts in case any urgent work is required to be dealt with by the employees. The training process will be on the job training process. This can provide employees with an opportunity to gain a practical experience by interacting with the customers. Compliance with national standards and state authority The training that is provided to the employees complies with the Contract law 1980 and the Employment and labour law 2017. Both these acts suggest that for the safety of the employees at the workplace and for enhancing their talents, required training can be provided as long as it does not violate any codes. According to Sung and Choi (2014), Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 can be followed that highlights the codes and ethics that need to be followed. Apart from this, it is also essential that the organisation maintain certain policies and procedures so that employees can have a proper training method. Thus, the compliance with the national standards and organisational standards are required for a proper training facility. Understanding of the workplace task required to be taken As stated by Ford (2014), the training provided to the employees need to be such that the effectiveness of the programme is understood by the employees. Moreover, the workplace task and requirement need to be clearly briefed to the employees so that they have a proper idea about the training method that needs to be undertaken. This needs to be provided by the induction officer at the initial stage of the training process. To ensure that the employees understand the requirement of training, managers can provide a lecture on the topic and the effectiveness of the topic with the employees. This can help to gain the attention of the employees. Technique to solve problems Van Aken and Berends (2018) stated that the problem-solving skill is important as it defines the ability of a manager to remain calm under pressure situation. Problem-solving can be used to solve the issues that exist in an organisation. The problem needs to be defined, measured and goals need to be set to determine the root cause of the problems. Based on it the best strategy can be implemented and the results can be evaluated. For example, in the case of customer behaviour, the problem-solving skill of an employee can help in providing a solution to the grievances of the employees (Baker 2017). Principles involved Customer needs research The principle involved in meeting the needs of a customer includes creating opportunities for possibilities. This needs to be mastered by an individual so that the value proposition can be matched that can have a significant impact on the success of an organisation. Customer relations Maintaining relationship with customers involves the knowing the customers. Assessment of the customers needs to be done by identifying the target market of the organisation. This can help in treating the customers with the required demands. Consequently, the loyalty of the customers will increase and the brand image of an organisation along with its reputation can have an elevation in the business market. Ongoing product and/or service quality According to Vigo (2015), the current product and service quality of an organisation can be maintained by consistently updating the services and product. The current method adopted cannot be repeated on a regular basis, as customers require a wide range of products to choose from. Hence, innovation is one of the most principles that can be undertaken by an organisation. Quality customer service delivery The customer service needs to be provided by maintaining the quality that precedes an organisation. One of the most important factors that need to be done is excel at the delivery process, Customers want the delivery of the items to be quick and spontaneous so that the level of expectation can be controlled. Record keeping and management methods Record keeping helps in identifying any flaws that exist within an organisation. The principle of maintaining records and managing the methods is by daily and immediate update any transaction that exists within an organisation. The management method, in this case, can be continuous monitoring of the activities of an organisation. Strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve customer service relationships Customer service relationships can be monitored and managed by maintaining regular interaction with the customers. This can be done by ensuring that the feedbacks of customers are taken into consideration and accordingly changes are implemented. Strategies to obtain customer feedback Customer feedbacks can be obtained by conducting a survey either in social media platform or by personally encountering the customers (Vigo 2015). This need to be done by the marketing manager as the feedbacks of the customers is useful in enhancing the performance of an organisation. Reference Baker, R., 2017. Problem-solving. InAgile UX Storytelling(pp. 107-116). Apress, Berkeley, CA. Dabholkar, P.A., 2015. How to improve perceived service quality by increasing customer participation. InProceedings of the 1990 academy of marketing science (AMS) annual conference(pp. 483-487). Springer, Cham. Ford, J.K., 2014.Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Heikka, E.L., Frandsen, T. and Hsuan, J., 2018. Matching value propositions with varied customer needs: The role of service modularity.Knowledge and Process Management. Pollock, R.V., Jefferson, A. and Wick, C.W., 2015.The six disciplines of breakthrough learning: How to turn training and development into business results. John Wiley Sons. Sung, S.Y. and Choi, J.N., 2014. Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.Journal of organizational behavior,35(3), pp.393-412. Van Aken, J.E. and Berends, H., 2018.Problem solving in organizations. Cambridge University Press. Vigo, D., 2015. Optimizing Desk Customer Relations Services.Impact,1(2), pp.13-17.

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